Off-Season Growing

Growing flowers, fruits, and vegetables is easy in the spring and summer. But what if you want to grow plants all year? Fortunately, there are some options to conquer the off-season blues. Starting a kitchen garden or greenhouse might an option. The tips in this section will give you some ideas for growing garden plants during the winter.

Many plants can actually do very well in cold climates. Although this type of gardening is a bit trickier than the warm-weather varieties, you'll find some tips here to get you started. There is also some information that will help you start some seeds indoors during the winter. By starting early, you'll be able to plant your garden sooner and enjoy the benefits before you know it.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Off-Season Growing' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

   Cold-Climate Gardening
Short growing seasons, high winds, heavy snows, and lack of rain are all indicative of cold-climate gardening. While challenging, you can have a beautiful garden if you live in a cold climate by researching patterns of hardiness in your habitat.

   Forcing Vegetables
It is entirely possible to get the vegetables that you want, even if they are out of season. In order to do this though, you need to use a method called forcing. Forcing vegetables isn't all that difficult, though you do need to follow specific steps.

   Grow Plants in the Winter
Get a head start on your garden by growing seedlings indoors during the winter. You can use disposable containers from around the house like butter containers to plant your seeds, and then you can simply throw the old containers away once you replant your plants outside in spring.


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