One of the most fulfilling garden types is the vegetable garden. Producing garden vegetables in your own yard is a great way to enjoy nature and cut down on your grocery bill. Involving your children in the planting and care of a vegetable garden can help them appreciate the food they eat every day and understand the value of working.
Vegetables are easy to grow and you have a wide variety of plants and choose from. Whether you want to grow tomatoes, squash, or cucumbers, you'll find tips in this section that will help you produce delicious veggies for your table. In addition to the tips about different vegetable plants, there is information about planting seeds and making sure you have the right tools.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Vegetables' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Best Times for Pruning
Often one of the most confusing things about gardening is learning when to prune. While it is not necessarily fatal to your trees, shrubs, or flowers if you prune incorrectly, you still run the risk of damaging your plants. That is why you should always learn the best times for pruning, regardless of what types of plants you have.
Cabbage Care
One of the most commonly chosen vegetables for home gardeners is the cabbage. Great as the main ingredient for coleslaw, relatively easy to care for, and fairly robust, the cabbage can be a great choice for any garden. But, if you would like to grow truly prodigious cabbages, then you need to know the basics of cabbage care.
Caring for Broccoli
Wanting to grow broccoli but just not sure how? Broccoli may seem like it is a hard vegetable to grow, but in reality it is one of the easiest. There are some things that can be done to help with the success of caring for your broccoli. Follow these tips and you will have some great-tasting broccoli.
Choosing the Best Vegetable Garden Location
Planting and maintaining a vegetable garden is not difficult. However, determining the very best location for your vegetable garden is imperative for yielding the best results.
Choosing the Right Vegetable Fertilizer
Vegetables require certain nutrients to keep them healthy. You can buy general purpose fertilizers with mixed results, or you can find exactly what your garden needs. Do this by testing your soil. Find how much you need by dividing your garden's square footage by 1000, times your recommended amount. Apply your fertilizer and enjoy a healthy lawn.
Cooking Garden
Is there really anything better than creating a wonderful meal directly from your own garden? A cooking garden is something that any serious gardener needs to consider at least once in their careers. Here are a few things that you should consider when creating your own cooking garden.
Creating a Beginner's Vegetable Garden
Start your vegetable garden by planning where you are going to grow and what you will grow in the garden. Prepare the soil by removing debris from it and adding fertilizer as needed. Plant your seeds and care for the plants as they start to grow.
Fall Vegetable Gardens
Many people think that the spring time is the only time that you can really begin planting a vegetable garden. This couldn't be further from the truth. Fall vegetable gardens are remarkably easy to start, maintain, and harvest as long as you follow a few simple guidelines.
Forcing Vegetables
It is entirely possible to get the vegetables that you want, even if they are out of season. In order to do this though, you need to use a method called forcing. Forcing vegetables isn't all that difficult, though you do need to follow specific steps.
Growing Beans
Beans of all kinds are one of the more popular choices among gardeners. The reason for this is that, generally speaking, beans are rather easy to care for. However, just because they are easy to care for doesn't mean that you don't need to work at it. Growing beans properly is simple, as long as you follow these great guidelines.
Growing Carrots
Growing carrots, a healthy snack, can be easy if you follow these tips. Mix your carrot seeds with ground coffee to repel pests and bulk up the mixture. Plant your seeds at least an inch apart and mix the carrot seeds with radishes to keep the carrot rows thinned out. Grow your carrots in soft soil with few or no rocks to keep your carrots straight.
Growing Corn
Not only a simple crop to grow, corn is a versatile food, lending itself to many cooking methods, and easily preserved. The most important thing to remember when growing corn, is to leave plenty of space between each plant. If you're growing more than one row, leave adequate space between rows.
Growing Cucumbers
As simple as placing a few seeds in the ground and covering them with rich soil, cucumbers typically grow to maturity within two months. The most important thing to remember about growing cucumbers is to allow adequate space for the vines and fruit to grow.
Growing Garlic
Garlic is a diverse vegetable that can be grown in your own back yard. Prepare the soil by tilling it well. Crack the garlic apart and plant the cloves only a few inches apart from each other, and only about 4 inches deep. Cover with mulch. Water well in the winter and harvest when the bottom leaves have turned brown.
Growing Mushrooms
Whether a mushroom lover or a beginner who just can't get enough of them on anything from steak to pizza, the taste of a homegrown outshines anything you could buy at the grocery store. With a little effort and the right conditions, you can grow tons of mushrooms right in the comfort of your own home.
Growing Onions
Onions are delicious vegetables that you can grow in your own garden. Plant onions in October in a well drained area mixed with fertilizer full of phosphorus. You should start to see sprouts in a couple of days, and can harvest in 8-10 weeks if you want green onions. Wait longer to get big bulbs.
Growing Potatoes
Potatoes are a great vegetable that can be used in many ways. If you want to grow your own potatoes, plant the seed in an area with full light and good drainage. Here's how to do it.
Growing Prize-Winning Vegetables
Caring for a vegetable garden can be very difficult. Learn what your vegetable needs and what time of year to plant it. Make sure you give the vegetables everything they need, including good soil, plenty of sun, and water in the right places. Finally, protect the plants from intruders such as disease and insects by watching the plants grow, so you can stop anything before it turns into a problem
Growing Zucchini
Zucchini is a delicious and simple addition to any garden. Plant your zucchini deep, in a place that gets lots of sunlight, and make sure not to give them too much water. You can get rid of mold on zucchini with a systemic fungicide. Pluck your zucchini just before the buds blossom for a fabulous vegetable.
Growing Zucchini Up a Trellis
Do you love zucchini, but wish it didn't take up so much space in the garden? The solution may be to set up a trellis for the vines to grow on.
Helping Zucchini Grow
Zucchini has long been one of the most popular plants for the home gardener. This is typically due to the fact that the zucchini is a fairly hardy plant, which needs little care to get it growing. However, just because it needs only a little care doesn't mean that it doesn't need a little. Read on to find out what you can do to help zucchini grow to its full potential in your garden.
Herb Garden Seeds
Fresh herbs make a great addition to many recipes. Keep some on hand by growing your own herb garden from seeds.
How to Plant Seeds
Planting seeds has got to be one of the most basic tasks possible in gardening, and yet so many people still don't know how to do it. This could be due to the fact that they think it is a simple task, or that they are simply not taking enough time to do it properly. Whatever the reason though, it is always a good idea to refresh our skills from time to time. Keep reading if you would like to learn how to plant seeds.
How to Save Seeds from Melons
Melon is a great summer treat. Instead of tossing the seeds from your melons, scoop them onto a paper towel and remove the excess melon pieces as they dry. Then you'll have seeds to plant to make you own melons.
Identifying Cucumber and Zucchini Problems
Part of taking care of cucumber and zucchini plants is being able to recognize problems when they crop up. Identifying cucumber and zucchini problems properly is the first step in being able to deal with those problems. Simply follow these guidelines to ensure that you have the basics down for some of the more common problems.
Landscaping With a Vegetable Garden
Wanting to do some gardening but find your self limited on space? Landscaping with vegetables can offer a great solution. Here are a few ideas that you can use to get you started.
Making Your Vegetable Garden the Right Size
If you want to grow a vegetable garden, but don't know what size to make your garden plot, then here are some great tips for making your vegetable garden just the right size. Determine what vegetables you will eat, figure out how much time you are willing to spend cultivating them, and then ensure that you plant your plants for optimal growth.
Must-Have Vegetable Garden Supplies
If you've ever planted a vegetable garden, then you know that regular maintenance is essential for growing vegetables successfully. Having quality supplies at hand makes your job of gardener easier and more productive.
Pinching Peppers
There are a few little tricks that anyone interested in growing their own peppers at home can use to make their pepper plants properly prodigious. One of the easiest and most often overlooked is called pinching. If you have never heard the term "pinching peppers" then this is information you need. If you need a refresher course as to when you should start and when you should stop pinching your peppers, then keep reading.
Planting a Vegetable Garden
Planting a vegetable garden starts by preparing the soil and planning what vegetables you are going to plant. Start by picking plants that are easy to grow. By quality seeds and sow them in the ground in an organized fashion. Take care of the vegetables as they start to grow.
Planting and Caring for Asparagus
It is never too late, or too early to begin thinking about what plants you are going to plant in your vegetable garden. If you would like to add a nice touch of elegance to your future meals, then you may want to think about planting some asparagus. Surprisingly, planting and caring for asparagus is a relatively easy thing to do.
Planting and Caring for Onions
Wanting to grow onions in your garden but not sure what to expect? Find out just how easy it is to grow and harvest your own onions and why it is one of the home gardener's favorite vegetables to grow. Just read on to learn more.
Planting Horseradish
Horseradish can make many dinner dishes taste even more delicious than normal; it's a great ingredient to use. With its many uses and unique taste, why wouldn't you want to plant it in your garden?
Planting Lamb's Ear
Are you looking for a great ground cover plant that doesn't require a lot extraneous care? If so, then you may want to consider planting Lamb's Ear. This beautiful ornamental herb not only looks good, but is exceptionally easy to take care of. Here's how you plant one.
Planting Vegetables in a Shaded Area
Vegetables can be loads of fun to grow in your own garden, but what do you do if you have a lot of shade on your property? In such situations you will need to learn the secrets of planting vegetables in a shaded area. No worries, it's not that difficult.
Post Harvest Cleanup
Once the harvest has come and gone, your work isn't finished. There is still a little bit of post harvest cleanup left to do. In fact, this step in the gardening process is just as important the planting and growing of your crops. Make sure that you know how to do it the right way.
Pruning Cabbage
Cabbage is one of the most common vegetables grown in home gardens, and as such, one of those plants that people run into the most problems with. One of the most common problems home gardeners have with cabbage is determining when, or if, they should prune the plant. Pruning cabbage doesn't have to be a confusing prospect. Here's why.
Raising Rhubarb
When people speak of raising rhubarb, sometimes they are referring to a fight between players in a baseball game. When we talk about raising rhubarb in this article, we're talking about the vegetable that Grandma used to make pies. One of only two perennial vegetables, rhubarb is extremely hardy and easy to raise. Here are some tips for raising your own rhubarb.
Raising Your Own Vegetables
If you are looking for a great way to save money, while also teaching your children a little responsibility, then try growing some vegetables. Raising your own vegetables is a remarkably easy, fun, and educational thing to do. Here's what you need to know about starting your own little vegetable garden.
Starting a Vegetable Garden
Vegetable gardens are great things to have around your how. If you want to have your own vegetable garden, start small. Pick an area that is in the sun to grow your vegetables. Till the ground, being sure to leave the sod. Have the soil tested for richness, and bring in topsoil or compost to help the soil be healthy. Plant your vegetables and watch them grow.
Thinning Your Garden
Thinning is the gardener's way of helping nature with the survival of the fittest process. By removing small, deformed, or overcrowded plants you will help the healthier and vigorous ones survive and thrive. This is especially true in vegetable gardens.
Transferring Pea Plants
Perhaps the single best way to get any vegetable off on the right foot is to begin growing them inside, and pea plants are no different. Whenever you begin growing some peas inside, you will need to eventually transfer them. How to do it though?
Transplanting Large Plants
A garden full of vegetables can be fun and healthy way to stretch your food dollars. It doesn't matter if you are starting the garden from seeds or plants from a garden center; they still need to be transplanted. Before transplanting any vegetable plants into the garden it is very important to wait until the threat of frost has passed. The seedlings should be about six to eight weeks old, and about six inches tall (give or take a couple of inches).
Vegetable Garden Irrigation
A variety of methods can be used to irrigate your vegetable garden, ranging from very simple to complex. The easiest solution is to hand water the plants with a garden hose or a watering bucket. More complex systems use sprinklers, and the most complex systems use drip irrigation. What you use depends on the size of your garden and the amount you are willing to spend on the system.
Vegetable Garden Planting
If you have never done it before, vegetable garden planting can be a healthier way of living. Living off the food from your garden is also an excellent way to stretch your dollars.
Vegetable Gardening in Containers
Want to grow a vegetable garden but just don't have enough space? Why not try growing vegetables in a container? It is easy to do and yields the same result as a traditional garden—tasty, fresh vegetables.
Vegetable Gardening without a Garden
There are times when having a traditional garden just won't work. This could be for various reasons such as living in an apartment where there is no patio, balcony, or if the growing season is too short. Then the only way to have a garden is to garden indoors.
Winter Vegetables
Just because cold weather comes around doesn't mean that you have to stop growing vegetables. Here are a few vegetables that could more accurately be described as winter vegetables. Why not try growing a few yourself this winter?
Zucchini Care
If you are looking for a great way to become introduced to the wonders of home gardening, then zucchini is one of the plants you need to have in your first garden. While it is a relatively easy plant to care for, if you want to have a productive harvest, you need to learn the basics of zucchini care.
Zucchini Plants
Zucchini plants are among the most popular vegetables for home gardeners. While there are many reasons for this choice, the most common reason is due to zucchini plants being among the easiest and hardiest vegetables to grow. Keep in mind, though, that just because something may be easy and hardy, doesn't mean that you can ignore it. Here are the basics for caring for and growing fantastic zucchini plants.
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