Have you ever had a hankering for some fresh cucumber in the middle of December? While you can always purchase some at your grocery store (usually for a higher price than normal) you can also satisfy that craving by using a growing method called forcing. Forcing vegetables is basically making a vegetable plant grow outside of its normal season.
Most commonly, forcing vegetables is used to make vegetables grow earlier in the season, but it can also be used to prolong the growing season as well. The real trick is learning how to do it in a manner that will not allow the vegetables or plants to become damaged. If you would like to try your hand at forcing vegetables, simply follow these steps.
- Choose a plant. As you know, not all plants have the same growing requirements. This is no different when you are trying to force your vegetables. Before you begin planting, you need to do your homework about the vegetables. Make sure that you know what their light, watering, nutrient, temperature, and other requirements are. You will need to adhere to these as closely as possible, and if necessary create a method to meet those requirements that can't be met naturally.
- Choose a location. Where will you be growing your vegetables? Will it be done outside in a greenhouse, or will you be doing it inside your home in a window sill? The location that you choose will need to meet as many of the growing requirements as possible to make the task as easy as possible.
- Plant your vegetables. Once you have chosen your location, you can go ahead and plant your vegetables. Do this by planting them in a container that will be able to hold the fully mature plant. This will reduce the amount of exposure to the elements that the plants must face, and allow a better chance for survival. In addition, it would simply look a little silly to try and grow a stalk of corn in a small pot wouldn't it?
- Watch the growing conditions. As you are growing the plants, make sure that its needs are being meet as much as possible. This means that you will need to keep a close eye on the light, nutrients, water, and temperature as you possibly can. Make any adjustments that are necessary as son as you notice them.
- Harvest when ready. All that you need to do now is simply wait until the vegetables have fully matured. When that happens, harvest them and enjoy! You now have the process of forcing vegetables in hand.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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