Using mulch in your garden is a great time-saver because it can help prevent weeds, keep the soil moist, and help the oil stay in place. Adding mulch to your garden from the beginning will keep your plants and soil healthier and make your entire garden look its best.
In this section, you'll find tips that will help you choose the best type of mulch for your garden and how to create your own, saving you money. In addition, there are some tips about composting, which can be a wonderful fertilizer.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Mulch' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Choosing the Right Mulch
Although there are differing opinions as to whether natural mulch is better for plants than synthetic, most gardeners agree that using any kind of mulch is better for your plants than using none at all.
Cold Weather Mulching
Mulching is perhaps one of the best possible methods for protecting your landscape and gardens from cold weather. Mulch can not only keep your trees looking great during the cold weather, but also keep the rest of your garden looking great as well. All you really need to do is keep in mind these simple guidelines and you will have the basics of cold weather mulching down.
Composting Indoors
One of the most versatile and powerful tools in a gardeners tool kit is compost. While the traditional method for composting is done outdoors, there are a few situations where composting indoors is more practical of a choice. It's not that hard to do, as long as you know the basics.
Creating Your Own Mulch
Mulch is comparable to the organic litter found on a forest floor, providing protection as well as fertilizer for your plants. Creating your own mulch will not only save money, but will ensure that you are not treating your plants to a healthy does of herbicide along with the advantages provided by mulch.
Garden Compost
Garden compost can be one of the greatest additions to anyone's garden. Whether you are interested in organic gardening or simply looking for ways to make your garden really bloom, compost is an absolute must. Surprisingly, doing your own composting is something that is really easy—here's how.
Home Composting Basics
If you have a garden, one of the best ways to fertilize it is through the use of compost. It's quite easy to make your own garden compost, and you will save money and help the environment if you do so. What is compost? It is the material left behind from decomposed waste.
Making Your Own Mulch
Have you wanted to use mulch around your plants, but the price of it is keeping you from adding it to your entire garden? Then this article is perfect for you. Learn how simple it is to make your own mulch. Making your own mulch is also the perfect way to recycle some of those old leaves and tree limbs.
Mulching Trees
One of the most beneficial tasks a person can do for the health of a tree is to mulch it properly. Not only can mulch maintain proper water and moisture levels, it also minimizes weed growth and improves soil structure. Follow these handy tips to discover how to properly mulch your trees.
Using Mulch to Protect Trees
Mulch is a great way to protect your trees and make gardening a lot easier. When properly laid down, it not only shields the roots from the heat but also makes it so you don't have to weed as much.
Using Mulch to Stop Weeds
If you are looking for a rather inexpensive and natural method that you can use to help stop weeds, then you need to consider using mulch. It may sound surprising, but using mulch to stop weeds is not that hard. All you need to do is follow these simple guidelines.
What is Bedding?
For the experienced gardener or the beginner, garden bedding can take the hassle out of horticulture. Raised garden bedding is especially useful and provides many advantages when trying to raise flowers or grow vegetables.
When to Mulch
Mulch is a great natural tool for protecting your garden, shrubs, and trees as well as a method encouraging these plants to grow properly. However, when is the right time to mulch? When to mulch is a question that can confuse gardeners and landscapers alike. Here are a few suggestions as to when you should apply this wonderful tool to your garden and landscape.