There are many variables to consider when planning your garden. The amount of sun, shade, accessibility, and how you will water the plants are all important factors that can impact the success of your gardening efforts. Animals add another variable that you could impact your garden and the health of your furry friends.
You'll find tips in this section on how to build and plant your garden so your pets don't trample on the plants or eat a plant that could make them sick. Some areas are more susceptible to deer and other wildlife. There are tips about how to deal with these animals as well.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Animals' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Dealing with Chipmunks and Squirrels
Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to get rid of fuzzy rodents such as chipmunks and squirrels? For some reason, these rodents are a little more creative than other garden pests. All this means is that dealing with chipmunks and squirrels requires a little more creativity on your part. Try some of these methods the next time you have a squirrel or chipmunk that you need to get rid of.
Dealing With Moles Naturally
Moles are a common, and often pesky, critter that can ruin lawns, gardens, and landscaping schemes. While it may be easier to use chemicals and artificial means to deal with such pests, it is often safer to find ways of dealing with moles naturally. Use some of these methods if you find yourself needing to deal with moles.
Getting Rid of Moles
Moles can be pests if left free to run around the garden. You can get rid of them by using a cat. For non-cat lovers, you need to find the active tunnel. When you have found the active tunnel, you have a few options. You can flood the mole out of the tunnel, block the mole off from your garden, or set a mole trap that will kill the mole. All of these should work most of the time, but are not perfect.
Keep Rabbits from Eating Your Vegetables
Rabbits are annoying pests in the garden, but can be kept out in a number of ways. First, you can put a chicken wire fence around the garden, burying the bottom just a few inches into the ground. Second, you can use scents, such as dried blood or fox urine. Finally you can sprinkle human hair throughout your garden to keep the rabbits away.
Naturally Keeping Deer Out of Your Garden
Deer are beautiful creatures if in the right environment. When they are in your garden, they become far less attractive. Keep them out permanently with a well designed fence or a well trained dog. Other, less permanent methods include putting smells in your garden they do not like, or tempting them out of your garden with something they like better than your plants.
Preventing Dog Spots on Your Lawn
Preventing dog spots on your lawn involves diluting the urine thoroughly with water, repairing or replacing dead lawn, and retraining your dog to use a special area to urinate. Follow these tips to prevent dog spots on your lawn, so that your dog may continue to enjoy being outside.
Protecting Flowers from Pets
Pets, though often a loving member of the family, can also be a major problem for any budding gardener. Protecting flowers from pets is a fairly simple matter, if you only take a few precautions. Here are a few simple steps that you can use to make your garden a little safer from the pets in your neighborhood.
Protecting Gardens from Deer
One of the most beautiful pests that can be found in the garden is deer. They are beautiful to see as long as they aren't in your garden. Keeping them out of the garden and becoming a pest can be done. There are several things that can be done to deter the deer from becoming pests.
Repelling Birds
Birds can strip a blueberry bush clean of fruit in a matter of moments, leaving you feeling frustrated that you didn't get to taste the fruits of your labor. Repelling birds from your garden and home can lead to spending and wasting a great deal of money. Follow these guidelines to find which type of bird repellant may be right for your particular situation.