Roses are some absolutely beautiful plants, and ones that can bring beauty and elegance to almost any location. Outdoors this is done by planting the roses in the proper location, but what about indoors? Roses that are kept indoors are usually done so in pots, and caring for potted roses can present a few problems that no one really expects. While it can be a little frustrating, caring for potted roses is something that anyone can do.
- Insects. Whether you are indoors, or out, one of the most common types of problems that your potted roses can face is insects. Among the most prevalent of these problem bugs is the aphid. Aphids are tiny green bugs that tend to cluster around the new leaves and buds, draining them dry.
- Diseases. One of the most common diseases that a potted rose is subject to is something that looks like a powdery mildew, which will usually appear as a dusty white powder and can appear on the leaves, stems and buds of the plants. Typically this problem can appear on any kind of plant, and can easily be transferred from one plant to another. To take care of this problem, you can spray or dust with a fungicide every week, or you can prune the plants to help ensure that there is enough circulation to avoid any growth of the fungus.
- Watering. Roses can often be a little tricky to water, and for some reason potted roses are even more difficult. The trick is to ensure that the roses neither become dried out, or overwatered. Avoid frequent brief watering since this will not ensure the soil becomes as moist as necessary. Rather, what you should do is water the roses over a period of several hours so that the water will get deep into the roots Be sure that you also utilize mulch to help retain that moisture in the soil.
- Fertilizing. When caring for potted roses, one of the most important things to remember is fertilizer. The reason for this is that potted plants go through the nutrients in the soil rather quickly. The best bet would be to go with a fertilizer that is slow acting/releasing, and which is rich in phosphorus.
- Sunlight. Roses love the sun, and should be given at least six hours of sunlight. Whether you do this with natural sunlight or by faking it with artificial lighting really doesn't matter. Just be sure that you provide the proper amount of lighting to ensure proper growth. Without the proper amount of lighting, the plants can quickly whither and die.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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