Arbors are really great looking things, but they look kind of bare all by themselves. There is a way that you can go about sprucing up the way that they look, and that is by adding some roses to the mix. While it can take some time to get the roses exactly the way that you want them to be, when they fully come in it will be a sight to behold. In fact, if you work hard at it, and follow these guidelines carefully, you can eventually have something that looks like it belongs in either a romance movie, or that has come straight out of your favorite romantic story. Good thing that planting a rose arbor isn't all that difficult. The hard work comes in later on, in taking care of the roses.
- Pick the location. Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of planting a rose arbor is actually choosing the location where it will go. When choosing a location for your new rose arbor, you need to keep in mind a couple of things. The first is that roses usually require a good amount of sunlight, so you will need to choose an area that will provide that. Secondly, you will need to choose a location where the arbor will fit in architecturally and aesthetically. Keep in mind, that rarely does an arbor look good if it is simply stuck out in the middle of the yard.
- Pick and install the arbor. Before you can actually "plant" an arbor, you need to pick out which kind of arbor you will be installing in your landscape. Ideally you want to pick an arbor that will have some kind of lattice work, or trellis included in the design. This type of arbor will allow you an easier time of training the roses to grow where you want them to. In addition, you will need to choose an arbor that is designed to enhance the look of your home and yard, as well as made from a material that will work well with your home decor. While you can always design your own arbor, most home improvement stores have some that are already premade, and which come along with some installation instructions. About the most important thing that you can remember is to be careful where you dig since you don't want to cut into any power lines, water lines, or sewage lines.
- Pick and plant the roses. There is more to picking out the type of roses that you want to plant with the arbor than choosing some that look pretty. Ideally, you will want to choose one of the vine type of roses since they will be easier to maintain and teach to grow along the arbor. Choose the color that will work best with your existing landscape, and do some research into the specific planting and care needs for the roses that you have chosen. Remember, while there is some similarities between the roses, each type will have different care requirements, as well as planting instructions. Make sure that you know what your roses will require before you have actually begun to plant them.
- Begin training the roses. The training of the roses for your rose arbor is perhaps the most time consuming of all the other steps. This isn't due to any major work being required, but rather that you will be limited to how quickly or slowly the roses grow. As the roses grow, loosely tie the vines to the trellis using gardening wire or ties. As the roses get older and more mature, these vines will continue to grow and require retying, so keep an eye out for the newer sprouts. Trim or prune any vines that you don't want to help encourage the growth of the vines and flowers that you do want. Be prepared though...this step is one that can potentially take years to complete, and in fact is never truly finished.
Author Bio
Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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