Even if you don't plan on doing any real garden work during the fall, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when that time rolls around. For example, often the steps that you take during the fall with your garden bed can have a profound effect during the spring. It really is a simple matter of understanding, and preparing, fall bedding. All you really need to do is keep in mind these guidelines, and you will have a garden bed that is really ready for the purposes that you may have in mind.
- Location. As with anything, location can easily mean the difference between success and failure, and that is no different with fall bedding. Considering that the weather tends to turn cold, and also a bit more blustery during the fall, means that you should have a protected location for your bed. If you are using the same bed that you use the rest of the year, you may want to create a windbreak, or similar type of item that you can use to provide a bit of shelter to the bedding.
- Type of bed. Another thing to keep in mind is the type of bed that you are using. For example, if you are using a raised garden bed, then you may want to add a few extra protections to help heat the bottom of the bed. Other wise, the temperature in the bed can dramatically lower. Other types of beds won't require as much work, but can each require some effort to help protect. Make sure that you know the best methods for your bedding type.
- Composting. Whether you are preparing your garden for the actual fall and winter months, or are preparing it for the coming spring, you can't overlook the power of compost. By adding the right amount, and type, of fertilizer you can not only increase the amount of heat and protection for the plants, but also greatly increase the amounts of nutrients that are available for the plants.
- Mulch. One of the most basic ways that you can prepare fall bedding is to apply mulch correctly to the gardening bed. This is most particularly helpful in protecting the roots of the plants from excessive cold, and potential pests. In fact, when this mulch is used in addition to either the proper location, or an additional windbreak of some sort, you can dramatically increase the heat of the soil, and thus extend the growing season a bit more.
Now that you know some of the basics of preparing fall bedding, you can ensure that you begin on the right foot. In gardening, as with most things, knowing and implementing the fundamentals will get you a long way. Just keep in mind that, as with anything garden related, you will need to keep a close eye on the plants that you have in your fall bedding, or a problem could creep up without you being aware.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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