Using Roses in Landscaping
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated October 14, 2024)
If you are thinking of doing some landscaping work, then chances are you have at least considered using a few roses. However, just because you thought using roses doesn't mean that you carefully considered the best way of using them. Using roses in landscaping is actually a whole lot easier than many people would like to believe. The key lies in understanding the basic methods for using roses that are available. When you understand these methods you will be able to properly choose the method or methods that will work best for your particular design.
- Rose garden. Rose gardens are perhaps the most traditional method for using roses in landscaping. By creating a rose garden you can truly display your collection of roses in fine style, though if you have enough this too can be little confusing. If you are thinking about using a rose garden, then you need to remember that roses (like all plants) grow in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and heights. Each type of rose will require its own unique form of care, so be sure that you are up to it prior to planting.
- Mixed beds. Quite a few people like to use what is called a "mixed bed" method when using roses in landscaping. Simply put, mixed beds are where you have several different flowers (roses included) planted. If you are thinking of using this methods, then you need to keep in mind the overall depth and texture of the bed you are planting. Place taller breeds of roses near the back, and choose roses that will require similar types of care to the other plants that will be residing in the beds.
- Hedges. When using roses in landscaping, perhaps the second most traditional method available is through hedges. Rose hedges, when fully grown, can become almost thicket like in appearance. These types of hedges are best used when you are looking to create a country style garden. There is a variety in hedges that you can choose from, and in fact most hedges will range in a height and width of three to six feet.
- Cutting. If you are thinking of growing some roses for cutting it needs to be remembered that not all roses are suitable for cutting. What this basically means is that you should only use rose breeds that have long stems and smaller thorns. When planting these kinds of roses, it would be best to plant them in the bed style.
- Climbing. Climbing, or rambling, roses are a wonderful way that you can add a touch of drama to your landscaping design. Plant these kinds of roses near an arbor, wall, or a trellis. Use the structure that you plant them by in order to help guide the roses in the direction that you want them to grow.
- Miniatures. One way to help add a wonderful bit of color to your flower beds would be to use some miniature roses. On the average, these kinds of roses will grow to be between 6 and 18 inches in height. This is another type of rose that you can use with mixed beds if you are looking to add some depth, texture, or even a sense of overall style to your landscape design.
- Groundcovers. In gardening parlance, groundcover is typically any low growing plant that you can plant to help hide, or "cover," the ground. This is usually done by planting groupings of flowers or plants together in a specific area that will grow in such a manner. Roses that are usually utilized in this manner will typically grow to a maximum height of about three feet, and about the same distance in width.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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