Aloe Vera, also known by the scientific name aloe barbadensis, can make a fantastic house plant if the proper precautions are taken. The reason for the precautions is that Aloe Vera is a plant used to tropical heat, and dry climates. So, if you happen to live in the deserts these would be a perfect plant to use in your landscaping and xeriscapign designs. Keep in mind thought that if you are going to be planting some Aloe Vera outside, that you should only do it if you live in growing zones 9 through 11. For all other home gardeners, stick to keeping these plants indoors.
- Soil requirements. Considering how Aloe Vera is an awful lot like a cactus, the soil that you plant it in is going to need to meet the same kinds of requirements. This means that the potting soil that you use should have particularly good drainage, and that the pot you use needs to have a drainage hole in its bottom. Lay a good layer of gravel or crushed stone at the bottom of the pot, and then mix some sand in with the potting soil.
- Lighting requirements. For the most part Aloe Vera is a plant that simply loves sunlight, and as such will thrive if placed in the right location. Usually this location is going to be no more than five feet away from a window, so that it can get all of the direct and indirect sunlight it needs. Ideally, these windows will be facing either east or west so that there is a natural time limit to the direct sunlight it receives.
- Watering requirements. It has been said that Aloe Vera is very similar in nature to a cactus, and that similarity also extends to its watering requirements. On the average, Aloe Vera will require fairly infrequent watering, and can often go as far as three weeks or so without getting any. To get the best possible results that you can though, be sure that you water your plants once very two weeks.
- Nutritional requirements. Aloe Vera is an exceptionally forgiving plant that doesn't require anything special nutritional supplements. Just use a decent mix of sand and potting soil, and you will ensure that your plant will have all the nutrients that it could possibly need.
- Change pots as needed. One thing needs to be addressed about Aloe Vera plants, and that is they can grow exceptionally quick. As such they will need new pots fairly often. However, unlike with many other kinds of plants, you can simply transfer part of the Aloe Vera plant to a new pot. This will allow you to grow and expand your collection with little problem, and enjoy the many benefits of having an Aloe Vera plant in the home.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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