Installing Water Aerators for Water Features
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated January 10, 2024)
Have you ever noticed how the water in some water features becomes murky and disgusting over time? Part of the reason that this happens is that the water feature does not have some kind of an aerator installed. The main purposes of an aerator are to help infuse oxygen into the water, and to also help circulate the water itself. Because of these reasons, installing water aerators for water features is almost a necessary step when installing water features. Luckily, this is a piece of equipment that anyone can install with little or no experience at all. Just follow these simple steps.
Keep in mind that the steps listed here are designed for a pond type of water feature. That means that, while similar in nature, not all of the steps will be applicable to all water features. The simplest way to determine whether or not your aerator will work for your water feature is to read the instruction manual that the manufacturer provided.
- Aerator kit.
- Electricity source
- Pump camouflage
- Pliers
- Screwdrivers (regular and Philips)
- Lay out the kit. Unpack the aerator kit, and ensure that you have all of the pieces that the manufacturer says came with it. There should be things such as an air or water pump mechanism, electrical connection hardware, pieces of hose, discharge units and more. Lay out everything according to the parts diagram, and you will be able to tell if you are missing anything.
- Assemble pump. Begin to assemble the hose and pump mechanism. You may need to cut the hose to different lengths to ensure that the discharge units reach where they are supposed to, though there should be different lengths of hoses already provided. Make sure that you have also placed the discharge units at the end of the hoses as necessary. Tighten all hoses and connections as necessary using screwdrivers or pliers.
- Place discharge units. Place the completed discharge unit and hose assembly into the pond water feature. Space everything out as much as possible for maximum water aeration.
- Turn it on. Make sure that there is no exposed wiring before connecting the pump to the power supply. This will help reduce the chances of any electrical shorts and other accidents. Once connected turn the system on.
- Test the system. Let the system run for a little bit to test it out. Watch the water and make note of the effects. If you don't see an even distribution of air or water circulation, then readjust the discharge units. Remember, you want this to be as even, and natural of a distribution as possible.
- Hide the pump unit. You do not want to leave the pump assembly exposed for all and sundry to see. Not only does this leave your landscape looking cluttered, it also presents a danger to the mechanism, and to any animals or people that may play around with it. Use a pump camouflage system (such as items that look like rocks) to hide and protect the pump.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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