When to Use Non-select Herbicide
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated June 17, 2022)
If you purchased some nonselective herbicide, you need to be really careful. The reason for this is actually rather simple: Non-select herbicides kill just about every kind of plant that they come into contact with. Typically deciding when to use non-select herbicides isn't all that difficult, though some care should be utilized before you begin spraying it around. Just follow these simple guidelines to ensure that you get the job done correctly.
- The decision to use. The actual decision to use nonselective herbicides can actually be fairly difficult to make. In large part this is because broad-spectrum herbicides are so strong. As such, this means that you should only use this type of herbicide when the weeds in question are causing lasting damage, and other forms of management or control are not working.
- Use sparingly. Due to the damage that these kinds of herbicides can cause damage to not only the plants in questions, but also potentially to the soil itself. This should indicate that these kinds of herbicides should be used exceedingly little. When you do use them, apply the least amount of herbicide as possible to the plant or area that you can possibly get away with.
- Look into your alternatives. Look into any and all other options prior to using broad-spectrum herbicides. Always try utilizing other methods first, and using the nonselective herbicides as a last resort only. Try pulling the weeds out, if necessary dig out the weeds. A very effective, though expensive, method would be to completely remove the sod and soil that has been afflicted and replace it with new ones.
- Read labels prior to use. As with any harsh chemical product, or any other gardening supplement, read the instructions carefully. Do not simply pour the herbicide onto the plants, or you could end up killing off a large section of your lawn. Read, study, and understand the instructions completely before you begin to use it. These instructions will include information not only on how to use the broad-spectrum herbicide, but also the proper storage of such chemicals.
- Always store correctly. When you do purchase the broad-spectrum herbicides, make sure to properly store any that you don't use right away. This will not only help protect some fairly expensive garden supplements, but also protect your children, pets, and garden from accidents.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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