Caring for Oriental Lilies
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated October 21, 2024)
Oriental lilies can make a dramatic and awe inspiring impression on anyone the first time that they are seen. After all, it's not often that people see 6 foot flowers, is it? Since these kinds of lilies are just a "little" different than most other kinds, it only makes sense that caring for Oriental lilies will be a little different as well. To truly get the most out of these beautiful flowers you should keep in mind these simple guidelines.
- Sunshine is good. Oriental lilies simply adore sunshine, and if given the proper amount they will simply thrive. This means that they should be planted somewhere that they can receive full sunshine all day long. Unlike other kinds of plants, this may do well in partial sunlight or partial shade, Oriental Lilies need as much sunlight as they can get.
- Remember to fertilize. Once you have planted your Oriental lilies, remember to fertilize them every spring. This kind of lily loves a phosphorus rich fertilizer; just make sure that it is a slow release type of fertilizer. That way the fertilizer will be distributed properly. Follow the directions that come from the fertilizer manufacturer though, so that you avoid any accidental over application.
- Regular light watering. These lilies will require a lot of water, though not all at one time. On average you will need to lightly water them each and every day. Avoid watering too much, or you may end up having a fungal problem with your Oriental lilies. Usually all you will need to do is make sure that the soil is watered, but not soaked.
- Be careful of what you cut. Whether you are cutting flowers to give to friends, or to bring in to your home for decoration, you need to be careful of the amount that you cut. Avoid cutting off anything more than 1/3 of the total stems. If you cut off more than that, you run the risk seriously damaging the plant and possibly killing the plant. If you do plan on cutting any flowers, make sure that you do it in the early morning hours, as this is when the stems are at their strongest.
- Lay mulch down before it gets cold. Oriental lilies, just like most other kinds of lilies, are actually a perennial. This means that they will come back year after year if the proper care is taken. Simply lay down a nice layer of mulch (about six inches deep) right before the first frost of the season. Leave this mulch in place throughout the season, only removing it after the last frost of the season. Even after the last frost of the season has passed, keep a little mulch on hand in case of emergencies.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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