Hedges can be a wonderful addition to just about any landscape or garden design. There is more to choosing your hedges though than simply picking something that may look good in your yard. There really are some guidelines that you can use to ensure you have the best possible hedges for your yard. After following these steps, you will have some hedges that are simply amazing.
Keep in mind that while these steps and guidelines will help you in choosing your hedges, they are really only the first step. You have the final say in exactly which hedges you will be using for your garden. If you are willing to experiment a bit, and pay the potential bills associated with purchasing new shrubs, you can quite easily try new shrubs or hedges until you find the perfect fit.
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2016-07-13 09:18:25
And - maybe more imprttant than some of the considerations in the article - how much of your ground are you willing to have taken over by the hedge - 2' width, 3. 4' or maybe 6' width or more
And - if the hedge is to be a border to your property - how will you 'manage' the other side, and what effect will that management, and managed hedge have on the neighbours property, their children and their relationship.
Berberis - fine near invisible spikes, on a 5' tall 'shrub' hedge or 2" long ones on a small tree type hedge, or Hawthorn 20' + or poisonous leaves, the massively growing leylandii, Gogi-berry, philadelphus - so many things to use to build a border, so many ways to get into legal contests or - maybe cherry - and have 15' width of the garden taken over by the root systems, complete with redoing the neighbours, or your, paths, walls, and maybe even the drains and house foundations.
2014-03-25 05:44:25
Re: Weed Of the week,May 1st Stinging nettel, These platns love my rich soil on my farm. I soon learned to ignore the stinging. I just realized that, it must affect people differently. However it is an excellent addition to any soup,chicken miso,etc. Nettles have been part of my flower gardens for 30 years,I used to eat my mean chickens , I also eat my mean weeds. Mary in Eleva
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