Putting a tree in your yard is a great way to help spruce up the look, while also creating a look that you can call your own. Planting trees isn't all that difficult as long as you know what to do. While the project is definitely labor intensive, it is one that you can accomplish within a weekend. Just make sure that you follow these directions to get the job done the right way from the beginning.
- Pick out your tree. In order to begin planting trees in your yard, you need to first choose the tree that you want to plant. Look at this as a bit of homework for you to accomplish before you can begin digging. Ideally you will want to choose a tree that is native to your region as it will be easier to take care of. That being said, whether you choose one for your particular area, or one from somewhere else, take the time to learn what the tree will need in order to not only survive, but thrive as well.
- Choose the right time. Generally speaking, there are only two times of year that are good for planting trees. These times are during the late fall and early spring times. The reason for this is that if you plant too late in the spring, or even during the summer, the heat that generally comes along with the summer can potentially kill the tree. Likewise, if you plant during the winter time you can expect to have the cold weather possibly kill (or at the very least damage) the tree as well. That being said, there may be some species of trees that need to be planted in those times as well, so consult your information on the tree to make sure you are planting it in the correct time.
- Check your local rules. Most municipalities have rules about digging large holes in the ground, and it doesn't matter whether you are planting trees or not. This means that you need to check your local ordinances to see what you are supposed to do. Furthermore, by checking to see what the rules are you can also ensure that you don't do anything that would end up getting you in trouble. It would be a real shame to go through all of the work of planting a tree, only to find that you have to remove it when you are finished.
- Dig and prep the hole. All trees come with what is known as a "root ball" which you need to use as a guide for your hole. Set the tree on the ground and have a friend hold it up for you. Using some spray paint, mark out an area that is two to three times as large as the root ball, this is the area that you will be digging. When you start digging the hole, you only need to go down as deep as the ball is tall, you typically don't want to cover the crown of the root ball. Carefully set the dirt off to the side, and then begin preparing the hole itself by putting some compost or composted manure into it to help feed the tree. Set the tree into the hole, and double check to make sure that the hole is the right size and depth.
- Get the tree ready. Prepare the tree for planting by first setting it into the hole. Have a friend help you with this so that you don't damage the tree, or hurt yourself in the process. When you have the tree in the hole, remove the burlap or cloth covering that is on the root ball. Be careful that you don't knock off the dirt that is covering the roots as you do this.
- Plant the tree. Have your helper hold the tree in place, and then begin replacing the dirt you dug out earlier. You want to have the tree as straight as possible when you are doing this. Basically, put all the dirt back into the hole, but do not cover the crown of the root ball. Once you have the tree in place make sure that you water the tree pretty good. This will help settle the soil and provide the moisture that the tree needs to survive.
Once you have your tree planted, your job is not finished. You will need to clean up all the tools, any excess dirt, and all other detritus that may have come up during the project. After you have that finished, you can then begin to maintain the tree. Typically this will require that you water the tree regularly (according the needs of the species) as well as keeping an eye out for any diseases, bugs, or other problems that may arise.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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