Have you ever noticed any mold appearing on the soil or grass of your lawn? Often, when mold appears on either the dirt or grass of a lawn, it means that there is a more serious problem that needs to be taken care of. If you don't take care of moldy dirt and grass when you find it, then you run the risk of having problems that can literally destroy your lawn, and create a whole lot more work for you than you would like. Don't worry to much though, dealing with moldy dirt and grass usually only takes a shovel, a little bit of dirt, and some grass seeds.
- Get the mold identified if you can. The first time that you notice the mold in your dirt and grass you need to collect a small sample of it. Take this sample to your local county extension office, and see if they can identify it. While not strictly necessary, this step can help you determine if any extra or specialized steps or chemicals need to be taken to remove and treat the mold.
- Stop, or limit, your watering. Immediately upon seeing the mold, turn off the water to any sprinklers that you may have, and stop watering your lawn. Mold loves moist areas, and if you allow the lawn to dry out before you begin removing the mold. On the average, you should let your lawn dry out for a couple of days before you begin to remove the soil.
- Increase sunlight if possible. If there is any way that you can increase the amount of sunlight that hits the afflicted area. Not only does the sunlight help to dry out the mold, it will also help to kill of the mold itself.
- Remove the soil. After letting your soil dry out, you need to dig it all out. Use a shovel and remove at least the top two inches of the contaminated area. A better bet would be to remove the top three or four, just so that you can be sure that you removed the mold. Start from at least an inch or two outside of the furthest edge of the mold, and work your way in.
- Dispose of the soil properly. Place all of the contaminated soil and mold into large plastic garbage bags. Dispose of this soil properly, and do not use it again. The best thing that you could do with it is to drop it off at your local landfill.
- Replace the soil. Replace the soil that you removed with a few inches of good quality topsoil. After having laid the top soil, either replace the lost grass with a sod patch, or plant some new grass seeds.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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