Rock Gardens for Tranquility

Written by Amy Gordon (last updated June 14, 2023)

Although when most people think of gardens they only think of flower gardens or vegetable gardens, there are many different types of gardens that you can have. Each type of garden can be used for different purposes, and each of them can be beautiful if property made and cared for.

One great alternative for a garden is to create a rock garden. Rock gardens are usually designed to take advantage of small, hilly areas and make them look like a rugged mountain landscape. Rock gardens are beautiful and tranquil. The hardest part about a rock garden is planning the area out so when you build the garden it will look natural.

When you build your rock garden, you will want to first measure out the area that you want it to encompass. Make a rough sketch of what you want the area to look like. The most pleasing thing to the eye is a nice area that has one main focal point. Plan on what you want for this focal point, such as a nice boulder or something of the sort. Take some time to look at what kind of landscaping rocks you can purchase and where they would go if you buy them.

Also take time to decide what kind of plants you want in your rock garden. The plants you get will really depend on what kind of scenery you are trying to recreate. There are so many different types of rock gardens, you will probably want to go to your local gardening center and look at what kind of plants you can get for your rock garden. The amount of light and water needed vary greatly for each plant, so decide how much time you want to take care of the plants, and how much sunlight the area you plan on putting your garden needs.

Once everything is planned out, the hard part will be putting the rocks into place. Make sure to dig down a little to give the rocks a place to go, otherwise they will look unnatural sitting on top of the surface. Just follow the design you made, and put in your flowers, and you should have a beautiful rock garden for years to come.

Author Bio

Amy Gordon

Amy Gordon loves keeping things simple, natural, and safe so she can spend more time having fun. Every day she learns new things about making life at home easier and she loves to share it with you! ...


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